Cigarette Vending Machines
Yes, you read correctly. Last week I told you about the Japanese drink vending machines that are everywhere. This week I’ll show you some of the cigarette vending machines in my neighborhood.This is a cigarette vending machine next to a cigarette store. They sell the cheaper or more common cigarettes in the vending machine open 24/7 while the tobacco store next to it is run with regular store hours.
Travelers beware though, you can’t just go up to a cigarette machine and get a pack of smokes. You need to have a card that the reader next to the cash/coin input reads to see you are of age. Putting in coins without having a card will get you nothing.
These equate to roughly $5 a pack, if you have the card.
Tagged with: daily life in japan • japan • traveling japan
Filed under: Japan • Walking Around
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